Look after customers from the home office

Versicherungs­kundinnen und ‑kunden aus dem Home­office betreuen
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Total time 50 minutes

Working from home can have both advantages and disadvantages. In order to make working from home effective, participants receive tips on time management in the home office. They also learn how to set up their workspace well in their own four walls, reduce distractions and motivate themselves in the home office.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in the mediation or provision of advice.

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Know and overcome the biggest challenges in the home office

  • Effectively use the time in the home office to ensure a high quality of customer advice from home as well.

  • Design the workstation in the home office to be ergonomic and low in distractions

  • Avoid distractions in the home office for more customer focus

  • Motivate themselves to be able to offer expert advice to clients regardless of where they work


Setting your own goals
Being flexible
Managing your own time
Getting a grip
Staying self-motivated

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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